A selection of digital catalogs and Scalar books we create for our exhibitions.
Sample Platter - Contemporary Ceramic
February 3 - March 4, 2020; Sylvie Auvray, Mary E Beierle, Josh Callaghan, Armando G Cortés, Michael Dopp, Keiko Fukazawa, Phyllis Green, Roger Herman, Orr Herz, Dave Kiddie, Jasmine Little, Emily Marchand, Tony Marsh, Simphiwe Mbunyuza, Jude Pauli, Roni Shneior, Emily Sudd, Tam Van Tran, Shoshi Watanabe, Pilar Wiley, with essay by Marcus Herse.
La Frontera: Art Across The Border + Border Clicks + Selections from the Escalette Permanent Collection of Art
August 26 - November 17, 2019; Tanya Aguiniga, Natalia Anciso, Raul Baltazar, Los Anthropolocos: Richard A. Lou & Robert J. Sanchez, Nikki Darling, Luis G. Hernandez, Ingrid Leyva, Roy Martinez, Omar Pimienta, Pablo Lopez Lu, Janire Najera, Tom Kiefer, Bovey Lee, with text by Nikki Darling.
Los Anthropolocos
“A Scientific Scrapbook: The White-Fying Primer”, Dr. Ritchie A. Lou & Dr. Bobby J. Sanchez, AZTLAN UNIVERSITY East Los Press, Marzo 2095, First Edition
This zine presents Richard A. Lou’s and Robert J. Sanchez’ satiric multimedia work from 1992. It is published in conjunction with the Exhibition Art Across the Border. Zine designed by Tram Dang.
Demolition Women
September 23 – October 25, 2013; Kaucyila Brooke, Kelly Cline, Veronique d’Entremont, Danielle Dean, Lecia Dole-Recio, Patricia Fernández, Margaret Honda, Alice Könitz, Bessie Kunath, Young Joon Kwak, Gina Osterloh, Gala Porres-Kim, Jen Smith, Ariane Vielmetter, Brenna Youngblood; curated by Commonwealth&Council; Catalog Design by New Byzantium / Blake Besharian